Kebocoran Paip Air Telah Menjejaskan Bekalan Air Bersih Penduduk Miri

Masalah paip bocor dan pecah yang berlaku di Miri baru-baru inimenyukarkan penduduk Miri mendapatkan bekalan air bersih, ia perlu diberi perhatian serius daripada pihak bertanggungjawab dari terus berulang. 

Air paip menjadi kotor dan keruh menyebabkan penduduk Miri yang terjejas dengan bekalan air bersih terpaksa membeli air botol untuk kegunaan harian. Akibat terputusnya bekalan air bersih, ramai pengguna terpaksa membeli air mineral dalam botol sebagai minuman; malah ada yang menggunakannya untuk tujuan mandi.

Kami menggesa pihak LAKU Management Sdn Bhd mewujudkan satu lagi tadahan air bersih untuk simpanan semasa kecemasan supaya masalah gangguan bekalan air dapat diselesaikan dengan segera. 

Pembinaan loji baharu perlu dilakukan bagi mengatasi masalah gangguan bekalan air yang dialami penduduk di beberapa kawasan yang sukar mendapat bekalan air bersih.

Persoalan pengguna, kenapa pihak LAKU lambat mengatasi dan menyelesaikan masalah paip bocor selepas beberapa hari sebelum ini perkara yang sama berlaku? Sekiranya terdapat masalah paip air bocor kerana terlalu lama, ia perlu diganti dengan paip baru yang lebih tahan lama untuk mengatasi kebocoran tersebut. 

Penghantaran air menggunakan lori tangki perlu dilakukan segera selama 24 jam di kawasan perumahan terjejas sehingga paip air yang bocor di loji rawatan air dibaik pulih.

Ramai penduduk yang terjejas akibat terputusnya bekalan air bersih merungut kerana tiada lori tangki air datang membekalkan air bersih ke kawasan mereka sehingga mereka terpaksa menadah air hujan. 

Mereka terpaksa membeli air botol untuk minum dan memasak serta mandi. Walaupun terdapat beberapa kawasan, air yang keluar bukan sahaja kotor dan berbau, ia turut menjejaskan penapisan air berikutan air kotor yang mengalir di dalam paip di rumah mereka dan ia juga tidak boleh digunakan sehingga bekalan air bersih keluar.

Kami menggesa pihak LAKU menyelesaikan masalah paip bocor ini dengan segera agar ia tidak berulang jika diselenggara dengan baik dan berkesan. Kerjasama dengan semua pihak untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan segera amatlah dihargai.

Jofri Jaraiee
Pesuruhjaya PAS, Sarawak


Water Pipe Leaks Have Affected The Clean Water Supply Of Miri Residents

The problem of leaking and broken pipes that occurred in Miri recently made it difficult for the people of Miri to get a clean water supply, it needs to be given serious attention from the responsible parties from continuing to recur. 

The tap water became dirty and murky causing Miri residents who were affected by the clean water supply to have to buy bottled water for daily use. As a result of the cut-off from the clean water supply, many consumers have to buy bottled mineral water as a drink; some even use it for bathing purposes.

We urge the LAKU Management Sdn Bhd to create another clean water catchment for storage during emergencies so that the problem of water supply disruption can be resolved immediately. The construction of new plants needs to be done to overcome the problem of water supply disruption experienced by residents in some areas that are difficult to get clean water supply.

Consumer question, why is the LAKU slow to overcome and solve the problem of leaking pipes after a few days before the same thing happened? If there is a problem with the water pipe leaking because it is too old, it needs to be replaced with a new, more durable pipe to overcome the leak. Water delivery using tanker trucks should be done immediately for 24 hours in the affected residential areas until the leaking water pipes at the water treatment plant are repaired.

Many residents affected by the cut-off of clean water supply complained that no water tanker trucks came to supply clean water to their areas so they had to collect rainwater. They had to buy bottled water to drink and cook as well as for bathing. 

They had to buy bottled water to drink and cook as well as bathe. Although there are some areas, the water that comes out is not only dirty and smelly, it also affects the water filtration due to dirty water flowing in the pipes in their houses and it also cannot be used until the clean water supply comes out.

We urge the LAKU to solve this leaking pipe problem immediately so that it does not recur if it is maintained properly and effectively.

Cooperation with all parties to resolve this issue immediately is greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Jofri Jaraiee
Sarawak PAS Commissioner cum Miri PAS Chief
